Hi there!
My name is Naifeng Liu (刘乃丰). I
am currently an Economics PhD student at the University of Mannheim, and my research interests lie in pure/applied theory. Prior to my current study, I worked on problems in theoretical computer science.
More about
my research and Google Scholar. And some other fun stuffs here.
Here is a list of restaurants I have tried in (greater) Mannheim area, with my ratings :)
Selected publications:
Quickly Determining Who Won an Election
with Lisa Hellerstein and Kevin Schewior
Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science (ITCS) 2024 [video (20 mins)]
Algorithms for the Unit-Cost Stochastic Score Classification Problem
with Nathaniel Grammel, Lisa Hellerstein and Devorah Kletenik
Algorithmica Volume 84 2022
Email: nliu@